This series of publications, “Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development Planning: A guide for Municipalities” is a consolidation of the materials initially developed as UN-HABITAT’s response to the specific requirements of the Balkan context The series has been suitably modified to be able to serve as a generic guideline for the training of urban planners in the area of urban strategic planning.
Volume 1: An Introduction to Urban Strategic Planning Volume 2: Urban Situation Analysis Volume 3: Urban Development Planning Volume 4: Sustainable Action Planning Urban Situation Analysis
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ISBN Series Number: 978-92-1-132024-4 ISBN: 978-92-1-131922-4 HS Number: 948/07E, 946/07E, 949/07E,950/07E Series Title:- Not available - Pages: 45 Year: 2007 Publisher: UN-HABITAT Co-Publisher :- Not available - Languages:
Themes: Urban Development and Management Countries: Branch/Office:
Executive Director