Since 2009, Brazil has been implementing an ambitious national social housing programme: the My House, My Life Programme (Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida). The Programme was designed to stimulate the production and acquisition of new housing units for the low- and low-middle income population. The initial goal was to contract 1 million housing units in the biennium 2009-2010. For its magnitude, scale and amount of subsidies the Programme is considered an important milestone in reasserting social housing as an issue of national importance for Government policy and action.
This publication documents the Programme and outlines its key design aspects and implementation processes. The purpose is to portray the genesis of the Programme and the experience since its inception, focusing predominantly on events which help to give a panorama of how the Programme has developed on a national scale. Factors, decisions and innovations that contributed to the Programme's success have been observed. In addition, some of its remaining challenges have been identified, all with an aim to increase global understanding of the potential of such an integrated and large-scale effort to address affordable housing shortages and promote urban social inclusion.
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ISBN Series Number:- Not available - ISBN: 978-92-1-132551-5 HS Number: 013/13E Series Title:- Not available - Pages: 120 Year: 2013 Publisher: UN-HABITAT Co-Publisher :- Not available - Languages:
Themes: Slum / human settlements upgrading, Land and Housing Countries: Branch/Office: