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Fifty-eighth session of the Commission on the Status of Women |
“Access and participation of women and girls to education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work”, the review theme of the 58th session of the CSW, represents one of the main challenges of all the human settlements worldwide and is central in the work of UN-Habitat.
Commonwealth Youth Forum Opening ceremony: Statement by Mrs. Anna Tibaijuka Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations |
Entebbe, Uganda
I am very excited to be back in Uganda. Last year I was here in April when I had the privilege to address the commonwealth meeting on Africa’s urbanization crisis.
It is an honor and a privilege for me to be here with you today at this Commonwealth Youth Forum
I wish to congratulate the Commonwealth Youth Council for organizing this youth forum which will provide a platform for young people to contribute to the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth Heads of Government agendas. I am pleased that this forum also provides an independent platform for youth representatives to consider their agenda at the same time as the Commonwealth Heads of Governments Meeting.
Opening Address by Mrs. Anna Tibaijuka, Executive Director of UN-HABITAT & Director General, UN Office at Nairobi, on the occasion of the Youth Dialogue on "I am Kenya, I am Peace, Lets Talk" |
UN Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya
I know that many of you have come here at considerable personal risk to join us here today. I want to thank you for your courage and sacrifice. I want you to know that you honour us by gracing the United Nations headquarters in Africa with your presence, for as you know, after New York, Geneva and Vienna, we are the only UN headquarters in the developing world.
Executive Director's Message |
The United Nations has designated the first Monday of October each year as World Habitat Day. It is an occasion to reflect on the state of human settlements and the basic right to adequate shelter for all.
Address to the Africities Summit by Mrs. Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka, Under-Secretary General and Executive Director, UN-HABITAT |
Yaoundé, Cameroon
I wish to open my remarks by saying thank you to His Excellency Paul Biya, President of the Republic of Cameroon and members of his government; His Excellency President Joachim Chissano, President of Mozambique and current Chairman of the African Union; other Honourable Ministers and members of the Government of Cameroon; the Ministers of Finance, and Local Government in charge of decentralisation from around Africa; His Worship, the Honourable Arthur Hussene Canana, the Mayor of Maputo and Chairman of the Political Committee of Africities 2003; Chairman Nicolas Amougou Noma, the Government Delegate for Yaoundé Urban Community; Your Worships the Mayors, and Honourable Councillors; Members of the Diplomatic Corps; the United Nations Resident Coordinator and Sister UN Organizations; and, representatives of our bilateral and multi-lateral partners.
The Executive Director's message on the occasion of World Habitat Day |
Nairobi, Kenya
Every year on the first Monday in October we use World Habitat Day to reflect on the state of the world’s growing cities and our planet’s rapid and irreversible urbanisation. We worry not only whether we can manage this growth, but how we can do it positively in a way that makes cities inclusive, welcoming places for all.
Statement By Mrs Anna Tibaijuka, Under-Secretary General And Executive Director,UN-HABITAT At The African Ministerial Conference On Housing And Urban Development, Abuja, Nigeria, 28-30 July, 2008. |
Abuja, Nigeria
I would like to thank your Government, Mr. President, for inviting UN-HABITAT to participate as a co-organizer of the Second African Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development (AMCHUD). Personally, and on behalf of my staff, I would like to convey our sincere appreciation for the warm reception and hospitality accorded to us. We are grateful for the elaborate arrangements you have made to bring the Ministers and staff from the continent to Abuja, your beautiful and great capital.