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Well-managed urbanization generates economic growth, social harmony, political advances, and scientific progress while poorly managed urbanization generates social exclusion, poverty, uncontrolled urban sprawl, pollution, and unsustainable consumption of land, water and other natural resources.
Focus area 2 will support sustainable urbanization by giving emphasis to the developing of inclusive and participatory urban planning and local development practices, incorporating the aspect of policy-making and strategy development, while taking into account gender and age factors. Attention will be given to developing tools and methodologies for institutional and organizational development and for resource management with a view to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Central to focus area 2 will be the modalities for fostering inter-linkages between the public, private and civil spheres, particularly in terms of promoting transparency, accountability and civic engagement.
A major objective is to promote urbanization through adoption of legislation on political and fiscal decentralization. Furthermore, capacities at the local level will be enhanced to spur local economic growth and development. These goals will be met through the effective engagement of normative and implementing partners at all levels combined in the Sustainable Urban development Network (SUD-Net).
FA 2 attempts to contribute to strategic change in three main areas:
1. Improved policies, legislation and strategies support more inclusive urban planning, management and governance, (UPMG);
2. Strengthened institutions promote inclusive UPMG; and,
3. Improved implementation of inclusive UPMG enhancing the capacity of cities to function in a holistic and integrated manner. It builds up the systemic linkages through urban processes, management systems and governance relations for cities to operate in a sustainable manner.
As a way of achieving the above transformations, FA 2 will use three programmatic thematic challenges: developing local capacities to mitigate and adapt to climate change; enhancing urban safety and the reduction of vulnerability; and promoting economic development.
This paper presents the global urban challenge and the current state of urban planning, management, and governance in relation to the declared overall goal of UN-HABITAT: to focus its work program towards the objective of sustainable urbanization. The paper next proposes a strategy for UN-HABITAT in the area of planning, management, and governance.