The United Nations has designated the first Monday of October every year as World Habitat Day. The idea is to reflect on the state of our towns and cities and the basic right of all, to adequate shelter. It is also intended to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat.
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As our world grows predominantly urban, World Habitat Day provides an annual opportunity to reflect on how we can make our towns and cities better places for all. With the theme "Better City, Better Life", this year's observance highlights the actions and policies that can improve well-being for the billion people who live in slums and other sub-standard housing around the world. |
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Cities are the greatest legacy of humanity and the greatest achievement of our civilization. Around the world and through the centuries cities have endured and survived wars, famine, natural disasters, epidemics, crumbling empires, and the disappearance of the gods, kings and queens for whom they were built. |
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