Practice Details
Association Via Nebba (in France – with branch of the NGO in Burkina Faso) | Les Berthieres St Victor/Rhins 42630 France 0033 (0) 4 74 64 13 86
| Tony Rouge, moanu.gurma | Non-Governmental Organisation | Financial Support |
Fondation d’entreprise Artelia | 6, rue de Lorraine Echirolles 38130 France 0033 (0)4 76 33 41 87
| Alban Domergue, Alban.domergue | International Agency | Financial Support, Technical Support |
Terre & Humanisme (in France with local Partner UAVES in Mali) | BP 19 Lablachere 7230 0033 (0) 4 66 72 88 65
| Anita Pellegrini, anitapc | Non-Governmental Organisation | Financial Support, Other |
Association Africa bougou | via spluga 10 Monza 20052 Italy 0039 33 52 35 848
| Emilio Caravatti, studio | Non-Governmental Organisation | Technical Support |
Association Le Partenariat (in France with branch in Senegal) | 71, rue Victor Renard Lille 59000 France 0033 (0)3 20 53 76 76
| Simon Marechal, coopartenaires | Non-Governmental Organisation | Financial Support, Other |
World Bank – Development Marketplace | Washington DC USA 202-473-3891
or World Bank - Ouagadougou (226) 70 26 77 10
| Ergun Ertekin Or Emmanuel Nikiema , eertekin and enikiema | International Agency | Financial Support |
Service des eaux et forêts | Province des Balés Burkina Faso
| Isidore Zongo, not provided | Local Authority | Financial Support |
Ashoka | Social Factory
3, boulevard Saint Martin
75003 Paris France +33 (0)1 80 05 96 55
| Arnaud Mourot, amourot | Non-Governmental Organisation | Financial Support, Other |
Climate Change
Economic Development
Title of Article: Source (include author, publication title, volume/number, date, and page number(s):
- 'Learning by Doing' , Y-Jean Mun-Delsalle, FuturArc, March 2010
- 'Public buildings in the mali Republic, DOMUS Magazine, June 2008, pp 10-20
- 'Earth roofs for the Sahel', Finalist, submission for World Habitat Award 2009,
- 'The Nubian Vault: Earth Roofs in the Sahel' , Granier, T, Kaye, A. , Ravier, J, & Sillou, D., delivered at the conference Living in Hot Deserts, Ghardaia, Algeria, Dec 2006
Supporting Material:
There are no supporting materials |