
Using the Database
This is a free public access database with approximately 4,000 proven solutions to the common social, economic and environmental problems. The database allows you to search for a practice via simple or advanced search options.

Award Winners

Type of Practice:  
Advanced Search
TitleOrganisation TypeCountryYear 
Affordable Housing for Sub-Saharian Africa s Non-Governmental OrganisationBurkina-Faso2012
Ahmedabad Slum Networking Programme India2006
APROCOBU (Association for the Promotion of Cooperative Stores for Production, Selling and Supplying in Burundi)International AgencyBurundi2008
Aquifer Management : A Green Path to Sustainable Development of Marginal Drylands Iran2004
Area Based Assessment of Property Tax in Patna, Bihar (India) Central GovernmentIndia2002
Banana Kelly Community Improvement Association USA  U.S.A1996
Brownfield Remediation of the Tangshan Southern Coal Mining Area China2004
Business and Competence Development: working to reduce poverty, unemployment and hardship. Togo2004
chaîne des foyers saint nicodème Cameroon2006
Chapelview ApartmentsPrivate SectorCanada2012